Content Marketing Concept

Ways to Attract Your Target Audience with Great Content

Quality content is the number one factor to make your website become more visible in search results. In turn, the more visible your website is, the more traffic you get. By increasing traffic, you are effectively increasing your reach, thus increasing your audience.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Before you can start figuring out what topics to write about, it is crucial that you identify who your target audience is. You need to find out who your people are so you can focus on figuring out what to write about. “If you build it, they will come” doesn’t necessarily apply to this situation. Although it is true that if you start putting up content, people will read it. This doesn’t guarantee that those people reading it will be the best audience for you. Identifying your target audience allows you to focus on writing content that will instantly connect with your audience and establish you as an authority of the industry.

Keyword Research

After you’ve identified your target audience, you can now start focusing on writing content for your website. If somehow, you come up empty with topics to write about, it is a good idea to do keyword research to pick up topics you can write about. Review the keywords that people used to get to your website and write about or around it.

Ask Your Support Staff

Another great idea that you can use to come up with topics is to ask your customer support staff. Ask them what questions or issues do they usually encounter. Since they are the ones who interact with your customers and leads, they naturally have firsthand knowledge of the common issues that your audience faces. The great thing about this is, if you are having a hard time writing about those topics, you can simply ask your staff to write it since they are the ones answering your customers’ questions on a daily basis.

Visit Forums

Forums are a gold mine. External forums are full of possible topics you can write about. Just take the time to read. I suggest going to Quora since it’s a forum where people ask questions. Choose a question posted there and write about it. That way, once your content is up, you can go back to that forum and simply give that person a link to your site. Not only have you created a brand new post, but you’ve also helped out one person and possibly convert him or her into a customer.

Do Interviews

Doing interviews is one of the creative ways you can put up content on your website. Not only does it provide extra flavour and personality to your post, it is also a very beneficial post for your customers, provided that the person you are interviewing is an expert on the subject. It’s a great idea because it gives credibility to your website.


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Posted in Content Marketing.