Title Tags

What are Title Tags and Why Do They Matter

A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a web page. It can be in the form of clickable headlines. The challenge is to make the title tag more accurate and concise when it comes to the description of page content.

The Importance of Title Tags

Title tags determine the relevance of a page and state what a page is about for both search engines and people who read a search result or social media result. That is why the title tag is considered one of the most important tags

Search Engine Result Pages

Title tags will determine your display title in search engine results with few exceptions. A good title is still the main factor in determining whether someone will click on your link or not.

Web Browser

Title tags are displayed above the description of the web browser. Title tags tell your potential visitors exactly what your page is about. For example, “Wallets on Sale Australia” clearly states that wallets are on sale on that page.

Social Media Networks

Social media platforms with external websites will use title tags to determine what to display when people share that page. However, some social networks have their own meta tags which allow you to specify titles that differ from your main title tag. The benefit of this is that you can provide different length titles and optimize each network.

How to Optimise a Good Title Tag

Focus on Your Target

Limit your keywords per page. Create a separate article of the topic on its own page. This will make it more accurate and will allow search engines to determine that your title is relevant to the content of your page.

Optimise Title Length

With Google, for example, title tags have a specific pixel width maximum, which can be translated into character volume. If your title tag is too long, your title tag will be cut off. There are plenty of tools that allow you to check the display of title tags before pages are published.

Keyword Placement

The earlier a keyword is used in placement of title tag, the more helpful it is for ranking factors. Choose and focus on the main keywords and avoid jamming of keywords into your title tag. You can have a structure with your title tags, such as Adjective or Location + Targeted Keyword + Brand Name.

Give Each Page a Different Title

Unique title tags make your content more understandable by search engines and by people. Modern CMS and code based templates can allow you to create special titles with ease as you publish pages on your website.


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Posted in SEO.