Page Speed Optimization Concept

Website Design, Visual Appearance and Page Speeds

Page load speed has become a very important factor for website marketing. What good is a visually stimulating website when it takes forever to load? Slow page speeds are the problem that every web developer and web owner is trying to address today. This holds especially true for ecommerce website owners.

Causes of Slow Page Load Speed

There are several reasons causing a page to load slowly. There may be too many large images displayed in a page, the elements of the visual design might be too complex, there may be too many fonts used and so on. As you can see, these factors are not just related to the developer. These are also factors that the designer and the marketer/owner influence.

How Do You Address This Problem

Right from the start, the design of a website, especially an ecommerce site, page load speeds must be a priority. Here is a look at the guidelines to design a fast loading website.


Each member of the team must be held accountable for making the web page load as fast as possible. A method known as “speed performance budgeting” ensures this happens. 3G connections are best used when testing page speeds because not all locations provide widespread 4G mobile networks.


When designing a page, you have to consider the medium’s limitations. Speed must be incorporated as a dimension of the process. Don’t make a 1 minute video for a 30 second slot, so they say. If the design will result in a page loading slowly, then it is best to scrap it and go for something faster.

Controls Must Be in Place

Web design agencies must be provided with a goal to reach in terms of page load speed in order to meet them. A good rule of thumb is to make sure that a page loads within 3 seconds.

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