Marketing Funnel Concept

Creating an Inbound Marketing Funnel

With inbound marketing, making a funnel is the key to the success of a campaign. In order to make a funnel, you have to consider the prospect’s journey into becoming a customer. What you need to keep in mind when making a funnel is that each stage should offer full value to the lead. This […]

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Seo Concept

7 Common Mistakes Made With SEO

SEO can be quite a complicated task. When not done right, it can be a waste of time and resources. That is why it is pertinent to do it properly. Fortunately, most of these mistakes are very easy to avoid. So let’s take a look at 7 common mistakes in SEO. 1. Thin Content Search […]

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Content Marketing Concept

Ways to Attract Your Target Audience with Great Content

Quality content is the number one factor to make your website become more visible in search results. In turn, the more visible your website is, the more traffic you get. By increasing traffic, you are effectively increasing your reach, thus increasing your audience. Identifying Your Target Audience Before you can start figuring out what topics […]

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Page Speed Optimization Concept

Website Design, Visual Appearance and Page Speeds

Page load speed has become a very important factor for website marketing. What good is a visually stimulating website when it takes forever to load? Slow page speeds are the problem that every web developer and web owner is trying to address today. This holds especially true for ecommerce website owners. Causes of Slow Page Load […]

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Content Poster

Why Make Evergreen Content

In the digital marketing world, one term you will hear often is “Evergreen Content”. Evergreen content is content that is relevant now and will still continue to be relevant long after it is posted. Common Evergreen content that you often see being posted are posts like “How To”, “Top Ten” and product reviews that apply […]

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Conversion Rate Optimisation

Conversion Rate Optimisation Simplified

Conversion is the term used by internet marketers for making a sale. The language is new but the thought is as old as when doing business first started. When you say conversion rate, it’s the rate of making a sale. So, in turn, Conversation Rate Optimisation (CRO) is the process of improving the rate at […]

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Email Marketing Campaign

Tactics to Increase Interactions with Your Email List

Email is a powerful tool to reach your target market. In this social media era, most people find that their email inbox is their place of peace amongst all the noise from Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. This is why implementing an email marketing campaign is worth your while provided you do it […]

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Advantages of WordPress 4 & PHP 7

There is no other web content management system used today that is more popular than WordPress. This user-friendly platform is being used by bloggers, marketers and business owners. WordPress which is powered by PHP is the most common CMS used for blogs, landing pages and small-medium size business websites. Requirements of WordPress: In order to […]

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Adwords Suggestions

Should I Follow Adwords Suggestions: A Starter’s Guide

It doesn’t take long before Adwords starts giving account managers, whether that be a contractor, employee, or yourself as a business owner, plenty of suggestions. The suggestions are a mixed bag of how to improve your account and how to optimise your advertising for better returns. The question soon arises, should I follow all these […]

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