Seo Concept

7 Common Mistakes Made With SEO

SEO can be quite a complicated task. When not done right, it can be a waste of time and resources. That is why it is pertinent to do it properly. Fortunately, most of these mistakes are very easy to avoid. So let’s take a look at 7 common mistakes in SEO.

1. Thin Content

Search engines will easily identify pages with low-quality content and penalise them. Useful and quality content is what make pages rank.

2. No Crawling Path to Pages

Even if you put a sitemap on your website, if Google can’t find it when crawling, search engines will not see value in your pages. Think of it this way, if you show users your pages that are important to them, search engines will recognise the value to the user and rank your website accordingly.

3. Poorly Organized Site

A poorly organized website does not provide a friendly user experience. Users should be able to easily find what they are looking for on your website.

4. Bad Title Tags

Title tags are very important. Search engines see title tags as the top level indicator of the content of a page. Your title tag is the most explicit explanation of what your page is about.

5. Bad Heading Tags

Just like title tags, poor heading tags will also discourage the search engine to recognise that your site has good quality content and what that page is about.

6. Issues on Mobile Version of Site

Mobile first sites, or sites with an excellent mobile version, rank better in search, especially now that Google is changing to crawling mobile content first.

7. Too Many Ads

Google also detects if a site/page has a lot of ads. Google will lower your page rankings once your site is recognised to have a lot of advertisements because a lot of adverts interfere with a good user experience.


If you need any help, just get in touch with us at RD.

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